the awakening coach
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Soul Blueprints
Akashic Records

Unlocking your Divine Gift: The path to a fulfilling life

Soul Blueprint

One of the most transformative elements of your soul’s blueprint is your Divine Gift, the most defining aspect of your soul’s essence and purpose.

It’s the core energy that acts as a gateway to your creative life force, the unique frequency your soul specializes in expressing across all your lifetimes—past, present, and future. Essentially, it’s your soul’s signature energy, the one you were trained in and continue to radiate into the world.

When you connect with your Divine Gift and fully embody it, you begin living a life that feels deeply aligned with who you truly are.

The more you tap into and express this energy, the more your life will reflect the authenticity and purpose your soul has always intended for you.

However, here’s where things can get tricky.

Many people, consciously or not, tend to resonate more with who they think they should be, rather than embracing who they truly are.

We sometimes even experience “gift envy,” looking at others and wishing we had their talents or qualities, while overlooking the power of our own. Often, the qualities that come most naturally to us—our Divine Gifts—can seem so ordinary that we fail to recognize their importance. We chase external ideals, trying to be “good” or “normal,” and in doing so, we disconnect from our soul’s true calling. This is how we create a sense of lack in our lives.

When we suppress or ignore our Divine Gifts, that energy doesn’t disappear—it manifests as drama, dysfunction, or frustration in our lives.

Your gift is meant to be expressed creatively and productively, not stifled. It’s an aspect of the vital life force energy that we are all built to receive from the divine source. So, when you make choices based on your Divine Gift, you’re not only living in alignment with your soul’s purpose, but you’re also accessing the flow of life force energy that’s meant to sustain and inspire you.

The beauty of this Divine Gift is that it’s not something you have to search for—it’s already within you.

The more attuned you become to its qualities, the more consciously you can bring this energy into your everyday life. Living according to your soul’s blueprint means embracing who you truly are, not who society, family, or external influences expect you to be. It’s about fully owning the energy you were designed to express and allowing it to guide your decisions, actions, and experiences.

Sure, you’re free to try on any other version of yourself. You can live according to someone else’s expectations or follow a path that doesn’t resonate with your true self. But, let’s be honest—nothing will bring you the same sense of purpose, fulfillment, and alignment as living in accordance with your soul’s unique blueprint. This isn’t about following rigid rules or trying to “get it right.”

It’s about unlocking the roadmap that’s already inside you and letting your soul’s blueprint serve as your compass. It’s always pointing toward your highest purpose—you just have to trust it.

When you start living in alignment with your Soul Blueprint, you’ll notice a natural flow in your life. Relationships, work, and your sense of self will begin to align in ways you never expected.

The chaos quiets down, and you move through life with greater ease, clarity, and fulfillment as you embody your true purpose. All the answers you’ve been searching for? They’re already within you, waiting to be uncovered by simply embracing the energy you were always meant to express.

Are you ready to live in alignment with your Divine Gift? Your soul’s blueprint is ready to guide you. 🌟✨

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About lieke

I am an Angel Messenger, Intuitive and Akashic Records reader.
Here to guide you through the twists and turns of your soul’s journey.

Discover, heal, ascend.



Soul Blueprints


Akashic Records


I am here to turn spiritual detours into scenic routes and making sure you never get lost on the way to your highest self.
Warning: Expect spontaneous miracles!

Imagine getting clarity on your life's path, healing old wounds that no longer serve you and connecting with the divine wisdom that has been with you since the birth of your soul. 

Whether you’re seeking answers to life’s most pressing questions or feeling called to reconnect with your authentic self, I offer you a step towards your awakening to the sovereign divine being that you are. 

In this sacred space, you are not alone. I am here to help you navigate on your soul's journey as a human being. 


I'm Lieke, your
Cosmic GPS Guide.

I'm Lieke, your
Cosmic GPS Guide.

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