Oh, awakening—sounds mystical, right? Maybe like something reserved for monks on mountaintops or yogis deep in the jungle? Nope. It’s for everyone (yes, even you scrolling on your phone right now). Awakening is all about realizing who you really are, beyond the daily grind of traffic, bills, and trying to decide what to watch on Netflix.
It’s when you wake up to your soul self—that infinite, creative power within you that has been patiently waiting for you to remember it exists.
Here’s the thing: we live in a world of duality, the 3D experience. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. It’s more like a rollercoaster ride through joy, pain, success, failure, bliss, and, of course, shadow work (more on that later). But when you awaken, something shifts.
Instead of resisting the madness of this 3D world, you dance with it.
You start integrating the wisdom, knowledge, and frequencies of your higher self into your physical life, transforming mundane experiences into soulful creations.
What does that mean? You begin to live intentionally, tuning into what your soul really wants. And with that, you bring more love and light into the world around you. This is what they’re talking about when they say, “creating a new Earth.” It’s not about escaping reality or transcending the human experience. It’s about infusing your daily life with so much love and creativity that you raise the collective vibe.
Here Comes the Shadow Work (aka The Not-So-Fun Stuff)
Here’s the catch: awakening isn’t always rainbows and unicorns. Once you’re on this journey, anything that doesn’t align with your soul’s intention will bubble up to the surface. Yep, all those pesky limiting beliefs, toxic patterns and unresolved traumas? They’ll make an appearance like that ex who just won’t stop texting. You can’t ignore it forever.
This is the shadow work phase.
It’s when you confront the stuff that’s holding you back from embodying your full soul power.
Sometimes it’s easy—like releasing an old fear and feeling lighter than a feather. Other times, it feels like you’re being emotionally dragged through a mud pit, completely losing touch with your beautiful soul perspective. But here’s the thing: every single shadow you face is an opportunity for growth.
It’s painful, but it’s worth it.
On the other side of that shadow is more love, more light, and a greater capacity to create the life you actually want to live.
Think of it as spiritual spring cleaning, clearing out the clutter so your soul can shine brighter.
In those moments when you’re stuck in the trenches of shadow work, when you’ve completely lost sight of the big picture, there’s help available. And no, I don’t mean a self-help book or another cup of coffee (though that doesn’t hurt). I’m talking about angel guidance.
The angels, your cosmic cheerleaders, are always ready to give you the spiritual equivalent of a warm hug or a firm kick in the pants, depending on what you need. A quick angel reading can provide the hope, comfort, and perspective you need to zoom out and see the bigger picture again. You’re not in this alone, after all.
Ascension: Rising Up, But Still Grounded
So, is awakening the same as ascension? Yes. Ascension is what happens when you take that awakened, soul-aligned perspective and rise to higher states of consciousness. But here’s the kicker: ascension doesn’t mean floating off into the clouds or ditching this 3D world. It’s about bringing that higher wisdom down to Earth—integrating it into your everyday life.
It’s the balance between the human experience and the divine.
You’re still here, paying your bills, eating pizza and enjoying Netflix, but now you’re creating your life from your soul’s desires, not out of fear or survival mode.
You become a living, breathing bridge between heaven and Earth, shining light where there’s darkness, bringing love where there’s pain.
And that is how you contribute to creating the new Earth. One awakened soul at a time. One moment of courage at a time.
Awakening and ascension might sound big and lofty, but really, it’s just you—being your truest, most powerful, creative self.
No need to resist the craziness of life. Lean into it, sprinkle your soul glitter, and trust that every challenge is another opportunity to rise higher, bring in more love, and create the world you came here to create.
Now go forth, you soulful creator, and make some magic. ✨
Need someone to walk beside you for a while on this path?
I can help you through Angel Readings, Soul Blueprints and 1:1 Mentoring.
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