Messages of Love for Humanity
Every now and then messages come to me from unconditionally loving Divine Beings.
Sometimes it is a specific Archangel or an Ascended Master.
Sometimes it is a collective of Higher Consciousness.
I am guided to share these messages freely, so please have a listen.
These messages were channelled for YOU.
So take a moment and let yourself be infused by these higher frequencies.
Your beauty is your uniqueness, your unique vibration.
Show your beauty to the world, radiate, shine!
Not to be acknowledged, to be noticed or for attention, but because you are so full of light, you have no other choice.
There is no other way, but to get out into the world and overflow.
The divine Light is shining through you.
Fill up you heart, open it as far as you can.
Let your angels guide you with this.
Learn to fill up and ground that into your whole body.
See it spreading out in your body and from your body into the earth.
This creates the new earth:
You - receiving Divine Love, embodying it and instantly radiating it.
This is all there is to it.
Keep it simple.
Receive. Ground. Shine.
Be the light house so other people can pick up this Light, emanating from you.
Remember who they are and be a light house for others.
This is how the Light is spreading the earth.
Through you.
Just be.
You are an essential part of the whole.
This unique frequency you hold is necessary for the healing of the universe.
Do not diminish. Do not try to fit it, do not hold in your light.
You are not here to blend in a grey mass, you are here to be a beacon.
And let go of what you think this should look like.
This message may bring up fears or shame.
It may trigger old wounds you have been carrying through this life and many lifetimes before.
That is okay, we are here.
Call in our help for angelic healing of your wounded heart.
Never lose sight of your importance, your essential being, your inherent divinity.
It is a given. It is what you are made of.
You have just forgotten it.
Let us help you remember.
Set your intention to feel safe and strong in your beautiful divine light that lives in your beautiful human body.
Then let go and we will guide you on your way.
All you need to ask us is: what is my next step today?
That is all you need to know.
It requires faith, trust and surrender.
Somedays that comes easily. Some days you will struggle, get impatient and you will feel like you hit a wall and you feel stuck.
This is actually the most important time for your growth.
When you are most desperate, feel most alone, that is when we are closest to you. Remember that.
Remember that in these times is where you will eventually find the gold inside.
Through the wound, through your suffering and pain, we guide you to the gold.
Although it may feel like the hardest thing you have ever done.
This will renew your strengths, give hope on your path to continue walking towards the Light.
The outcome is certain, you cannot fail.
Take that in. Breath that in.
The outcome is certain, you cannot fail.
We are here, waiting for your call.
In eternal love,
Your angelic team.
I'm Lieke,
Your Cosmic
GPS Guide
I am here to guide you through the vast map of your soul with clarity, love & compassion for your human self.
Ready to tune in? Let’s elevate together.