Messages of Love for Humanity
Every now and then messages come to me from unconditionally loving Divine Beings.
Sometimes it is a specific Archangel or an Ascended Master.
Sometimes it is a collective of Higher Consciousness.
I am guided to share these messages freely, so please have a listen.
These messages were channelled for YOU.
So take a moment and let yourself be infused by these higher frequencies.
You are the radiating light beam that is changing the world with your frequencies.
This is the work, there is nothing to do, only to be.
Release yourself from the burden of doing.
Let yourself rest in the Light that is carrying you and shining through you at the same time.
You resonance field will reach those that are meant to be reached. Nearby or far away.
You are part of a bigger movement of Light.
The collective of Light Beings, not light workers.
ALL of humanity has access to it, only a part of humanity is meant to lead the way, to pave the road, so that it will become easier for the rest of humanity to walk on this path.
It requires from you only faith and surrender.
Let that guide you and see how it wants to come into form in its own time.
You carry the frequency of Love that the world needs.
It is the biggest, most important, most life changing and impactful thing you will ever do and it will not look the way you think it does.
It may be very very subtle and small for your personality self, but do not underestimate the immense effect you will have on the collective.
Trust that. Know that. Give in to that.
You are the change.
You are the creation.
You are the New World.
Let that sink in, let that pass through the ego, it wants to feel big and important.
Just let it happen and then let it go.
In all humbleness you return to Love, feeling blessed, connected and equal to any living soul on earth and beyond.
We love you.
I'm Lieke,
Your Cosmic
GPS Guide
I am here to guide you through the vast map of your soul with clarity, love & compassion for your human self.
Ready to tune in? Let’s elevate together.