The awakening coach

Messages of Love for Humanity

Every now and then messages come to me from unconditionally loving Divine Beings.
Sometimes it is a specific Archangel or an Ascended Master.
Sometimes it is a collective of Higher Consciousness.  

I am guided to share these messages freely, so please have a listen. 

These messages were channelled for YOU. 

So take a moment and let yourself be infused by these higher frequencies. 

channelled messages

You are the hope for the future of mankind. 

You are creating this new world as we speak, as you let the frequencies of Cosmic Love flow through your heart.

This is why you came here on this earth, this is why you have felt an outsider your whole life. 

You did not come here to fit in, it goes against your true nature. 

You are here to be a Light house. To be a beacon for the rest of humanity. 

You have evolved, your soul is ready now, you know it, you feel it deep within your heart and soul and body. 

You are aligned, your body is on a new level a new frequency now too. 

You have done the work, it is time to shine.

Let go of the how and when, focus on being it. 
Be it, in your world, in your life. Nothing to do. 

Continue your life the way you have lived it, don’t make any big changes, just do everything now with an open heart, an opened Cosmic heart. 

You are connected now to the Cosmic heart, now live your life from this Heart. 

It is within you. 
It IS you.

Know it, feel it, reclaim it.
It has always been yours.

You Are Here To Be A Light House

a message from higher consciousness

I'm Lieke,
Your Cosmic
GPS Guide

I am here to guide you through the vast map of your soul with clarity, love & compassion for your human self.

Ready to tune in? Let’s elevate together.

more about me
