Messages of Love for Humanity
Every now and then messages come to me from unconditionally loving Divine Beings.
Sometimes it is a specific Archangel or an Ascended Master.
Sometimes it is a collective of Higher Consciousness.
I am guided to share these messages freely, so please have a listen.
These messages were channelled for YOU.
So take a moment and let yourself be infused by these higher frequencies.
Dear child, you are the most precious child, perfectly formed and your worth comes from your whole being, there is nothing that is not included in your worth.
Your uniqueness is needed in this world.
Your worth is your own personal unique frequency you chose to bring into the world.
You knew at creation how necessary this was in the world.
And how you will do this according to this frequency.
Your worth is inherent in your whole being.
It is not about what you do, it is who you are at your core.
Nothing you do can diminish the slightest sliver of worth from you, because you were created whole.
You are whole, everyone is.
Every soul, every human is unique and a necessary part of the whole.
You experience your self, your unique frequency in contrast with other people.
You are not meant to match other people’s frequencies, you are here to bring in your own.
How would you know what that is, what color yours is, what flavor, what sensation, what vibration if there was no one around to contrast that with.
It is thanks to other people you get to know you.
It is a process of healing the heart in learning to fully embrace that.
You have learned that matching other peoples energy is what makes you a good person.
It is a process of unlearning to come back to the inner strength and power of your own frequency.
Remembering your and everyone else’s unique creation.
You are meant to stand out.
That is how you will know yourself.
Child, embrace yourself in the love of the Mother, this is the foundation where you will unlearn all the self hatred, and begin again like a child.
Come back to me to remember what unconditional mother love is.
Your earth mother has not learned this from her mother, she is a human with flaws like all humans are, it is not her fault.
It is a huge loss for her as well, not to have experienced this motherly divine love.
Do not ask more from her than she can give you.
Relinquish this illusion.
I am here to fill in all the gaps and heart breaks. Turn to me and I will fill you up.
Restore in my divine mothering love and from there, heal your self, your inner child.
Remember your worth and then go into the world.
With this remembrance, the re-found respect and self love for your own being, your divine self, your soul and all your messy human-ness that comes with living in 3D.
It is in loving the light AND the dark that you become whole.
You are meant to re-unionise all aspects of self.
Bring back the parts you dismissed, you broke off.
That were not loved by your parents.
Reparent yourself in my divine Love and you will become whole again.
I am here always to help and assist humanity in the healing of all parts of you.
I love you.
Your Divine Mother.
I'm Lieke,
Your Cosmic
GPS Guide
I am here to guide you through the vast map of your soul with clarity, love & compassion for your human self.
Ready to tune in? Let’s elevate together.